In 2007 a major fire swept through San Diego County; 1,300 buildings were destroyed, including one on the property belonging to the client. The replacement house had to conform to the existing HOA suburban architectural style requirements, but behind that exterior skin is a very different house. The LEED Platinum structure features 10-foot first floor ceilings, 2 x 6 framed walls with an added layer of exterior insulation, R-50 insulation in the attic, heeled trusses, a cistern below the driveway, special eave vents that prevent sparks from entering the interior, two beefy steel moment frames, and all the wood used in the construction was specially processed to resist mold, fire, and termites. The resulting structure cost no more per square foot than others in the same neighborhood that were lost in the fire, but the difference is that the other houses were built exactly the same as the originals.